The Blog

What Is The Point?

values May 09, 2022

by Bobbi Sue Van Leuven


I first met Chuck Wachendorfer on January 30th, 2007. The date is easy to remember because it was my 18th birthday and I was slightly annoyed that my dad was having a work dinner at our house, but I didn’t realize how different this work dinner would be. The following day my parents took me out of school to sit in his seminar and learn about values. Unfortunately, I was more excited about missing school than paying attention. I know we learned about more than values, but that’s all I remember. I don’t remember what my values were, although my mom told me recently told me she remembered one of mine -diversity- which continues to be a value of mine. I wasn’t able to connect how helpful knowing my values during the next few years would be. I knew what I wanted to major in college, but I didn’t know what career I would choose. Had I known my values at the time it would have been a much easier choice. I ended up making the choice that aligns with my values, but the process would have been simpler and much less stressful and easier had I known my values and reflected them daily.

This last year I’ve gone through major life changes including quitting my job as a school psychologist, moving from Ohio to Missouri then a few months later from Missouri to Oklahoma, having a baby, working on the book Get a LEG Up: The Learn-Earn-Give Toolset for Teenage Purpose and Optimism, and creating LEARNEARNGIVE. What has helped me is knowing my values to remind me of why I’m doing what I’m doing. The following are my top 5 in order of importance.  

  1.  Helping Others
  2.  Friendship (which includes family)
  3.  Diversity
  4.  Faith
  5.  Ecology/Environment


Why are we making this book and company? To help others. My top value. There are times when I want to quit because so much of this is new to me, but what other job could I do in my current position where I can help others as much as I can with this?  

I share this because I hope you can use my mistake of not utilizing the tools during the crucial earlier stages of life as a lesson of what NOT to do. Find your values. Reflect your values every morning. Use them when making life decisions. This isn’t meant to be a book you read once then forget about. We want to give you tools to help you throughout your life!


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