The Blog


values May 16, 2022

by Bobbi Sue Van Leuven


Each individual at LEARNEARNGIVE has their own top 5 values, but as a team we decided that LEARNEARNGIVE will be guided in its mission by the following core values:

  •  Achievement (Earn) -  Put one’s values into learning, earning, and giving process, and turning them into action
  •  Helping Others (Give)-  Provide support or assistance to those in need, whether large or small acts
  •  Education (Learn) - Inspired young people to see their own aptitudes and attitudes to make a positive difference for themselves  
  •  Diversity - Appreciate and respect individual differences
  •  Happiness - Take values and purpose, and go out into the world to live the life you want, helping people along the way.

Through our values we created our mission statement, which is “Provide direction to facilitate change, overcome challenges and become positive contributing members of the community.” 

As we begin this journey we will be working hard to align with our values as individuals and a company to meet our goals and live our mission statement. We hope to help youth learn early from Manny’s Learn-Earn-Give toolset


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